What is your Spirituality Type?

For each pair of statements in the left and right hand columns, choose the ONE in each pair that best fits your preferences. Think in terms of what appeals to you the most. (If you try to circle both, the scoring won't work).


Pictures, symbols and metaphors help me understand God.
God is unfathomable and can only be known in silent and inexpressible love.

I prefer to think of God as revealed and knowable.
I prefer to think of God as hidden in mystery.

I prefer to focus on God's closeness to us.
I prefer to focus on God's holiness (God's radical difference from us).

The gospel requires me to use my intellect in an affirmative way.
The gospel invites me to experience God in a mysterious relationship of love.

Meditation on God's Word leads me to illumination of God's will.
Contemplation of God's being leads me to union with God.


Seeing God in the ordinary.
Seeking the extraordinary to experience God.

Letting go.
Taking charge.

Spending time with God.
Doing things for God.


Detachment from the world
Attachment to God

Seeking the God of comfort
Seeking the comfort of God


The church really needs better sermons and study groups.
The church really needs more experiential worship and relational groups.

I like thinking about God and theology.
I enjoy feeling the presence and caring of God.

Illumination of mind is central to spirituality.
Illumination of heart is central to spirituality.

I value truth.
I value feelings.

God has a good path into my life through my will.
God has a good path into my life through my intuition.


I experience true transformation when God touches my heart.
I experience true transformation when I understand things in a new way.



My heart rules my head.
My head rules my heart.


I try to be a person of genuine feeling.
I try to be a consistently reasonable person.